open text

17 May 2005 at 20:20

academia recognises McDonald Islands

The Blogtalk Downunder conference is happening this weekend in Sydney, and I was able to get a berth at short notice on the outrigger leaving tomorrow. In return for exemption from the substantial conference fees, I've agreed to deliver a paper reflecting my experience of island culture, with the working title:

No Blog is an Island
The Semiotics of Cross-Cultural Blogging in the UnHeard of & McDonald Islands.

ABSTRACT: The fact that we can construct a model of the world and exist within it has its good points and bad points. Most of us are not even living in the present; we spend most of our time reliving the past or imagining the future. Yet, without any technology, the indigenous peoples of the UnHeard of & McDonald Islands have for centuries been simulating life.

The paper will make reference to the Ralwin postulate, which maintains that we construct a model of ourselves and place it within the model of the world.

The presentation will conclude with a demonstration of WebPaste, a world-class technique for generating academic abstracts, developed at the MacDonald Island Institute.

Now all I have to do is write the paper during the passage to Sydney, at the same time as pulling on the oars. I'll be relying on experience gained some years ago.

Blogger Hotboy said...

The photies are fab!!! Even when not of attractive young women. Or Nazis (we would like more of them!) Is academia ready for a simulation of a simulation? Can we have simulations of simulations echoing and reverberating through the multiverses? Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Currently the lawyers are negotiating with the estate of the former Miss Open Text 1982, for the publishing rights to her likeness.

Regular readers may recall the former Miss Open Text 1981

The reader request for a feature on a Teutonic Miss Open Text is also receiving serious consideration.  


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