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05 October 2005 at 10:08


I never like to brag. But sometimes one has to. My top score in this game was 42. Some people who only scored about 8 would say I have an unfair cultural advantage, but I'm willing to share the secret with them. It's all in the right hand.

Tune for the day: - The ride of the valkyrie.

Trivia question for the day: - What else is special about the number 42?

Health report: This week I'm healthier than Hotboy. Mind you, it's only Wednesday.

Blogger Heather said...

Send your wedding tackle pics here:  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

42? Wow! I thought I was the winner with 11. I guess I turn the crown over to you, but when you finish wearing it, it needs to remain in my Castle. We will put a winner's name plate under it with your name engraved. :)  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! I got nine, but I wasn't trying!! I see someone is trying to get to you. Remember the Red Army? You might end up doing something. I find this is usually a mistake and means you have to do another thing after that. Before you know it, someone will give you job and then where will you be? Please ignore my advice. I hope this helps. Hotboy  


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