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29 September 2005 at 09:12

unheard of island security

I had a comment from Da NRA, who would be a great recruit to our bunker here on the UnHeard Of Islands when the jihad or the flu pandemic takes off in the northern hemisphere.

Da NRA has a firearms licence (not that we'd be worrying about such niceties in a global crisis). More importantly, he has a firearm. And he understands about practical military matters. Hotboy's background in academic history makes him a master of strategy but not very practical. But working together, what a combination they'd make!

And if Lee Ann comes on board, her diplomatic and ethical talents would keep us on the right side of international law. I could rely on her to rein in my own tendency to authoritarian sentimentality. I have to remember the basics - penguins are cannon fodder, not playthings. For deployment on the beach as feathered blast absorbers.

Blogger Lee Ann said...

I'm in! Yes, count me in! You guys better save me a spot on the island. Aw, we can't play with the penguins? They are so cute.
Ya know, I was just standing outside on my balcony, just looking at the night. As I was looking out into the distant rolling hills, I was wondering what it would be like to be standing in your spot at that very moment. Then I thought the same about where Hotboy is. I know what you are thinking, how strange I must be. :)  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! When the convicts tried to walk from Tasmania to China (and freedom), they ended up eating each other. The guy with the knife finally fell asleep and the other survivor killed him and ate him. If the penguins run away, I'd be worried about who gets to hold the gun. I think it should be me, King Hotboy. Also, I'm a vegetarian. Hope this helps. Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Don't worry about being strange. There will be stranger beings on this island than you, most probably! Hope this helps. Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

LA - question 1 on the entry visa application form is - "are you now or have you ever been strange?" That way, we weed out all the normal people before they come ashore.

If you're willing to take on the job of Attorney General, you can do what you like with the penguins and hush it all up afterwards.

HB - Those poor hikers - did you know that the jokers who told them about the track to China, were Irish rebels? You're part Irish troublemaker. I rest my case. Da NRA keeps the gun. You can be figurehead monarch. Don't worry about food, the island has all-you-can-eat seaweed.  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Milarepa, the great Tibetan saint, lived on nettles for a while and turned green. If I eat nothing but seaweed, what colour would I go? If the NRA guy turns out to be ... well, like you might expect, might I not get shot? Hope this helps. Hotboy  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Glad to know about question 1. Makes me feel much better. I can't wait to see the penguins.  


Blogger zomba said...

The penguin - 17th row, 4th from left - looks familiar. Is that Hotboy?



Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hotboy....what are you doing there in that picture? Menzies said that is you!  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - it's a fair question.  


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