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21 June 2006 at 16:20

HNT weird things

I was tagged by the incomparable Lelly to list "Six weird facts/habits about yourself".

Lelly, I've been waiting all my for life for someone to ask that. I feel I have an unfair disadvantage for this one, and making the list was way too easy. The list grew to 10, then over 20, and I'm still trying to edit it down to 6. In the meantime, I have siphoned off some of the excess weirdnesses into a photo. How many can you count?

In the picture, I'm using my favourite battery-powered device to give myself pleasure while looking at something illegal on the TV. You can click the bandaid to peel it off and switch on the TV.

Explanation - someone emailed me an illegal copy of a new novel which hasn't actually been published yet. Instead of printing it out, I decided to save paper and read it on the PC. But to avoid getting backache or RSI sitting for hours at the screen, I re-routed it through the TV, so I can read it flat out (using my light-bending TV glasses, but let's not go into that now, I mustn't go over my limit of six weird things).

The only problem was - how to page down through the text? For that I use my wireless game pad, which runs on batteries. The whole setup works brilliantly!

Incidentally, as you can see, my beer-based weight gain programme has been a miserable failure so far. Will I never be able to get fat like normal people?

Remember, this is a freelance Taoist blog. So I try to make sure that every true story contains a wee lie. The only lie here is that I wouldn't normally be doing this naked - it's winter here and I had to really freeze while taking this picture. Suffering for my art.


If you missed previous HNTs, you can access all the old half baked thursday posts here.

Blogger Wenchy said...

That was kinda funny. :)  


Blogger Suze said...

Wonderful post! I'm clicking the buttons on that control and it's not zooming in. :(

Happy HNT sweetie ;)  


Blogger keda said...

that was hilarious!! as ever. and don't get fat. its nice to know there's some people who dont widen with age. gives me hope!

i see you've got new links but not me!?? dontcha love me no more? worried about the pee-pack competition huh? :)

happy hnt oh skinny one.  


Blogger Lelly said...

Rob, I'm sorry but I can't see anything weird in this post at must try harder! I DO love your sense of humour...and your home (as I think I've said before) where did you get that TV table from?? My other 'arf also tried/tries the beer-putting-on-weight diet...he switched from Pils to Newcastle Broon 25 years ago...and it still isn't working! (damn, why can't I have a metabolism like that!)
And like wot Keda said...why aint I on your link list??? are on mine! :(
Happy HNT!!  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Suze - thanks for the idea for a zooming HNT.

Blanket humble apols to Keda and Lelly, in the confusion of fixing the template, I worked from an older template which, silly me, had an older sidebar! Thanks for telling me, I've put that at the head of the todo list.

Lelly, I hate to blow my credibility , but the TV table is two cheap IKEA tables on top of each other, and glued with blu-tac. With a home-made rotating TV plinth on the top, which spins around to face wherever you're lying.

I've noticed I get such a buzz when I get a positive comment from someone whose own blog I like. Do other bloggers get that too?  


Blogger keda said...

you are forgiven.

and yes i like the he/she that fabulous/funny/clever person likes ME/my humble underpants? buzzy thing too. nice innit?!  


Blogger Lelly said...

Yeah same as Keda said...again! You and Keda are amongst my favourites akshully!
Thanks for the Ikea tip...haven't been there for ages, obviously need to check it out...going to nick your double table idea! So where's YOUR nearest branch...where are the Unheard of Islands and why are you there??  


Blogger lime said...

you are clearly a committed HNTer if you are so willing to suffer! and lmao@ the bandaids! HHNT  


Blogger The Middle Child said...

Interesting.... nice "weird thing" story! Happy HNT!  


Blogger Rebecca said...

Weird...not weird...who cares, YOU'RE NAKED!!!!

And that's a very good thing!



Blogger Leesa said...

Best way to read, right? HHNT ;)  


Blogger Cindy said...

So it's winter and you're cold and you're naked and skinny-- I'm sure it's not going to be too hard to find someone to warm you up ;)  


Blogger Andi said...

That could well be one of the oddest blog posts ever, but highly entertaining.

Wicked template, too.  


Blogger S said...

Heh! You are totally brilliant, and um, i didnt see anything weird at all..... move that remote!  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! This is just a cop out! Come on, Adolf! This is a revelatory blog! We already know you stay in a cave on the lost side of the island. I wrote about my weird things and I come here and it's a lot of old.... weird things as's coming through ..yes, the feet! What is really weird about the feet. Do you have flippers by this time? We need to know! It would help! Hotboy  


Blogger Brown eyed girl said...

Love it!
Rob this is my last one!
Don't worry, not the end of the Castle blog though!
Happy HNT!  


Blogger Aisha T. said...

*laugh* This was great! What are you saying about fat? Can't seem to find an inch (of fat! of fat!)  


Blogger Sexy Duet said...

Great idea, i could combine my two of my favourite things - reading and watching tv. HNT certainly is more fun in summer (middle of winter here), for now I make do with turning the heater up. HHNT!  


Blogger Schadeboy said...

Nice screen. What, is that a 27-inch?

Happy HNT!  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Schadeboy - yes, but the screen's a 29-incher.  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Lelly, I need to do a post about why I washed up on the UnHeard Of Islands, but there's no truth in the rumour that it's to avoid a UK tax bill. I visit the Sydney IKEA whenever I'm in Australia, and get the stuff shipped home.

Andi - you're a very discerning woman.

The great thing about (not yet) doing this meme, is that I've learned at last the correct way to spell "weird". I always used to have trouble with that word, because whatever way you spell it looks weird.  


Blogger Lil Bit said...

What a neat lil effect on that pic!
Freezin' for your art. LOL! *nodding* I've been there b4. ;)

Ohh, maaaan - I wanna hear the "Weird Things" list now. All 20+ of 'em - bring it!
(I have that meme sittin' in draft... dunno if I'll get around to it or not. *shrug*)

...and, huh? Why you wanna get fat???

Happy Belated HNT, sweetie! =)  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MOST excellent hnt! loved the bandaid :D.

oh I'm late commenting, but happy hnt anyway :).  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Lil - I'm just trying to be normal. BTW, let me know if you want a hand with the weird things. I could let you have a few of mine.  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hey my Scottish friend!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Lee Ann, it's the middle of the night and the middle of winter here, and half-way through Argentina v Mexico, so I'll be brief. Is Menzies playing fair, do you think?

Back to bed with a hottie. (hot water bottle, not the other meaning)  


Blogger .- said...

can't say my favorite device is the same as yours - but
howdya do that?
ah - I'm lucky when a pic just uploads  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

velma and others who have asked - it's not difficult - just use your browser to look at the HTML code of my page.

The key bit of code is


You can find it by copying and pasting the chunk that begins (here I'm using "[" to represent the "less than" symbol):

[img title="Click to peel off the bandaid and switch on the TV"

I originally copied this from Suze (you can find her via her comment here)  


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