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05 June 2006 at 08:28

false alarm NDEs

One morning last week I tied the exercise weights to my ankles before I went walking, to give myself an extra workout. About half an hour into the woods, with not a soul around, I started to feel my heart throbbing, boing-boing, like in the cartoons. I thought - so this is how I'm going to die, miles from civilisation with nobody to rescue me, music blaring on the headphones till the batteries run out. Yippee! What a great way to go, quickly and alone in the wilds, with my dog by my side.

Well, obviously the pounding heart settled down again, the ideal death was not to be. But it got me thinking, and I remembered that there's always a down side to everything. If I had died, my beloved partner would have had to sort through all my crap and clear it out - hypothetically if I had a collection of porn, she would find it. And what about the dog? Would the dog leave me lying there and run off to call for help, like Lassie? In reality she would be more likely to dash under a car, so I resolved that my dying act would have been to tie her to me, so that at least one of us would survive.

We went away last weekend, well just along the bay really, to spend a night at the Club 18-50 resort. Naturally I was keen to get my money's worth, so as well as half-starving myself before the buffet breakfast, we had to turn up the room heating full-blast and strip off. After baking in the room for a few hours, I used the sauna, and then jumped straight into the outdoor pool to cool off. Of course, it's winter here, so the water was freezing, and I had my second Near Death Experience in one week. What a fortunate creature I am to be alive!

PS - the movie on the hotel TV was Galaxy Quest, about a bunch of sci-fi actors who are so believable that a bunch of aliens asks them to help rescue their planet. I'm now a bit nervous - when the Apocalypse comes, will I be inundated with people who want to shelter on the UnHeard Of Island?

Blogger Hotboy said...

Alolf! Zeig! So pleased you managed to survive the walk in the woods. My advice is to stop walking immediately. It's obviously bad for you. This is bound to help. Hotboy  


Blogger almax said...


first, thankyou for your comments on my blog.

second - you gotta be careful when your heart goes boom diddy boom - unless Sophia Loren is in the near vicinity it's usually a warning - hotboy's right - stop walking!

I have to take aspirin every day - it thins the blood and makes it easier for the heart to pump it - I am not a doctor but I believe that everyone around about 50 benefits from an aspirin a day -

or is it an apple?

No, it's an aspirin - you might want to think about it.  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Did you think that the doggie might start to eat you when it got hungry and you were lying there dead? I think it might. It would eat the hand that fed it. Or the other hand. Depends which was the most handy. A helping hand? Hotboy p.s. Well done with the heart attack of the future, BTW! I'm jealous, really I am. Only the lucky ones fall down dead!  


Blogger keda said...

hey yeah take care babe! scary. i did wonder where you'd got too. everythings been going a bit strange here the last few days. my site meter stopped working, old friends stopped coming by (who thanks to you i've now located, but as haloscan has decided it doesn't believe i'm who i say i am it wont let me access) and blogger itself seems a bit odd! it must me my incredible magnatism. that or the fact i have no idea what i'm doing.

either way glad you are alive.

which reminds me.... galaxy quest is brilliant. there's one line i sort of remember, when the arrive somewhere really quite dangerous and i think its sigourney who say "we have to take cover (or similar) before the extra gets killed!"


Blogger keda said...

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Blogger Lee Ann said...

Glad you didn't die! What are the chances of you being like a cat with 9 lives? I hope you don't try to find out.  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Just leave all the money to me! Then we could give it to Brian Wilson, who can remember nothing. After that, we could just trust in God. As you do! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Thanks for the cautionary comments. Because I beat cancer a long time ago I tend to assume I'm invulnerable and can jettison common sense. I think the current expression, is "extreme hubris". I should take a look at where it's getting Bush.

Isn't Galaxy Quest a brill movie? I had only ever seen it on a plane, constantly interrupted.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

home alarm systemhttp://www.alarmmonitorsecurity.infoWhen I was young i used tot hink that power and wealth would bring me happiness..........I was right.home alarm system  


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