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23 May 2006 at 14:29
new movie features unheard of islands
The UnHeard Of Islands are abuzz with the news that we actually feature in this new blockbuster movie about cults and religious secrets.
Hotboy said...
Adolf! Heil! What's the world coming to? That link doesn't link. After all that German meticulousness. Can't believe it! Dearie me. It doesn't help at all! Hotboy
keda said...
quite. but the site hasn't been updated since april 25th. its bonkers anyway. mad old women on sleds n fuffy clouds. i wouldn't be suprised if they were into the occult.
Hotboy said...
Adolf! Zeig! Very amusing link! So vee have zee jokes now, I see!Nyaponika Thera and Anagorika Govinda were big Gerries in the juju, of course! As was Goebbels, but that was a different juju! So it doesn't help. Hotboy