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30 May 2006 at 09:36

war reminder

I've been reading people's posts about war in general and "the war" in particular. This painting is by an uncle in Germany, who had both eyes shot out by the Brits in the war, yet went on to become a painter, jazz guitarist, and lawyer.

I think he makes the pictures by first laying down the borders (ahem!) between colours, using string or putty. Then he applies the colours, before removing the border material. He relies on his wife to tell him which colour he's using.

He has more paintings at his site (click the pic or the source link at bottom of this post - then click on "Bilder" which is German for "Pictures").

Sources acknowledged.

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! The sources are in some foreign language so it's hard to tell if this is a wind up or not. Can't see? A painter who can't see. Interesting gimmick, if nothing else. Getting you eyes shot out has put me off joining up, I'll tell you that! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Yes, sorry, it's not a wind-up. I suppose that's the downside of crying wolf, people assume you're always taking the P. He's an uncle of the "old family friend" variety. He's such a nice guy, though I haven't seen him for ages.  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Wow, that is a fascinating story. He sounds like an amazing person.
The painting is very colorful!


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Dead interesting idea painting when you're blind. I guess you imagine the shapes and colours. Beethoven was deaf, wasn't he? But that's a bit easier. Yeah, easy to be Beethoven. Piece of cake. Being a genius might help. Hotboy. Da da da da... anybody can do that!  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! What happened to your comment thing. I thought I was seeeing double. And it's not my fault this time. That was a help! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Dead interesting idea painting when you're blind. I guess you imagine the shapes and colours. Beethoven was deaf, wasn't he? But that's a bit easier. Yeah, easy to be Beethoven. Piece of cake. Being a genius might help. Hotboy. Da da da da... anybody can do that!  


Blogger keda said...

its all gone a bit squiffly here. i moved to firefox and suddenly your sidebar is underneath. is that normal? anyway, the template looks a lot better which is quite hard as i loved it before anyway. did you have your hair cut?


what an amazing guy. i guess he must feel the paintings sculpturally. if he's feeling his way around the paper/canvas and blocking spaces its more about touch. which also begs the question why he then sticks to 2 dimensions.... wow!

i'm very interested. what an incredible bloke.

thanks babe*  


Blogger Leesa said...

Wow, beautiful work :) Thanks!  


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