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25 June 2006 at 07:45

more about using bloglines

Some time ago, hotboy asked me about Bloglines.

Bloglines tells you as soon as a new post appears on any of your regular blogs. When I took this shot, I was up to date on all my reading, except for 1 post on The Rambling Taoist, and 540 flu-related posts.

I think you can probably try out my bloglines page to get an idea of how it works.

It can make your bloglife so simple.

Just watched Mexico play so well, in a long match against the world's best team of surly dirty foulers. Final score: Arg 2, Mex 1. Meanwhile Australian TV, which is all I can pick up here, is still going on about last week's victory against Croatia. Once the Aussies get knocked out, we'll see all interest evaporate.

It's the middle of the night and the middle of winter here, so it's back to bed with a hottie. That's a hot water bottle.

Sources acknowledged.

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! The bloglines thing is no use to me, if you have to do something or learn something. Does it involve even the slightest bit of clickiness? I think it does. This whole Star Trek malarkey is going to stop soon. You have my passwords. But I won't look at it anyway. I have agreed that I have become unintersted and depressed by euphoria. I'm heading for euphoria amo ng the flatheids and I don't think this bloglines thing will help at all! But it will help you. That's good!! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! Yes, fantastically useful. I clicked on yours. Fortunately, I'm going back into nappies soon, and will have to rely on people to help. Hotboy p.s. Don't worry about not hearing from your mother. How long does it take before the trust funds belch out the nazi gold on very little being heard from the old dear?  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I'll put that on the todo list, to set up a bloglines account for you, but you're on your own with the nappies. If the old dear was still around she could handle that end of things for you. You didn't think of that.  


Blogger Cindy said...

This whole opposites thing is hard to get used to. My head is so wired to be used to june july august is summer that to think somewhere else it is winter--- what do we do when the world gets smaller like this? Just ask some omniscient being to coordinate us all on the same schedule? If only they were listening...  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Cinders, I've added you to my blogroll. Hope that's OK.  


Blogger Lelly said...

Rob, stop wasting time and get on with your 6 wierdy things. And the post about where you are and why you're there...please.  


Blogger Lelly said...

Rob no I don't get Blogger to emal me everytime I get a comment...I get too many (usually v. uninteresting) emails as it is. So how am I supposed to find where you've left your answer to my comment if its on some old post??? I need a clue...WHICH old post????  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

That is cool, I may have to try it!
Hope you had a great weekend.


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