So anyway, after I bottled the whole brew on Monday, I thought - I've got all the equipment out anyway, why not just start another barrel brewing right away? So that's what I did, and by this Saturday I should be filling another 70 bottles with Canadian Blonde, a beer I haven't tried before. This will swell my stash to about 250 bottles, enough to see me through till the next holidays, even after wastage by penguins.
Normally I drink one bottle of beer a day, in the late afternoon. Never enough to get feel any effect. It's just part of my weight-gain program. People say it can't be good for you to drink every day. I won't say I've never suffered any ill-effects, but I when I recently took three whole days off drinking, I suffered (if that's the word) reverse brewer's droop.
I can't think of a new name for the latest brew, so I may just call it "No. 10". Or "# 10" in America. I am in negotiation with hotboy over a possible licensing deal for Southern Hemisphere rights to the Wifebeater brand name. If we reach an agreement, I'll use the name for a wheat beer.
I've just thought of a downside to this sunny weather. My esteemed Northern Hemisphere readers get pissed off hearing about it while they're freezing up there. You see? Everything does balance up after all.