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17 August 2005 at 07:24

head job offered again

My employers at the McDonald Institute offered me that section head job again. This time there was something in it for me (it means I can drop the class where I was teaching postmodern HTML) so I accepted. The relief in their eyes told me that they've already offerred it to umpteen people, who all turned it down.

I asked for a desk diary, but apparently they don't issue them any more. Presumably everyone these days uses the PC or a PDA. But how do you type your diary while holding the phone? Anyway, my first hour in the new job was spent changing the dates in an old 2003 diary, to 2005 dates.

Talking of diaries, I am currently reading the 800-page Kenneth Williams Diaries. He was the camp British actor who finally killed himself in about 1990.

People either loved or detested him, and I always liked his intelligence and expressiveness. The diaries are fascinating. He was a troubled man, with lofty principles and a lot of insight into his failings.

Sunday 20 November 1966

I ask for the sign - to tell me there is some purpose for my life - an emperorship somewhere - where I shall exert the sway of sensible and polite power, which will be read about in later years by admiring scholars who learn amazedly about this worthless actor who became a mighty ruler.

Even masturbation denied me today, 'cos I caught my cock in the zip fastener and it's quite painful.

Monday 21 November 1966

My dick still sore from the zip fastener mishap.

Blogger Hotboy said...

The zip thing does not make for meditative equipoise. Also, the boy didn't meditate, so he didn't get any of ra bliss and of course kilt himself! The fate of flatheids everywhere!  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Also, why isn't yon jobbie still a disaster area? Can you claim lots of time off with diarhoeaea?  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Good point, I had forgotten about the disaster area aspect of the job. I accepted because I fancied a bit of a challenge, and because of a vestigial sense of duty.

Too late to go back now. Watch my gradual decline in coming weeks, and be grateful that you're a roundhead.  


Blogger Horsey said...

That cock in zipper thing has never happened to me. What does that say about me? Do I lack verve and spontaneity? Am I overly cautious?  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Horsey. Anyone who jacks in a "perfectly good job" as my mother would call it, is not suffering from excessive caution. Maybe like me you're just not enough of a klutz to gash your own dick? Or maybe you're like some of the people where I work, who drop their breeks all the way to the ground, just to take a leak.

I have noticed it's mainly South-East Asian guys who do it, so it may be a cultural practice rather than a fear of a log-jam in the zip.

BTW, apologies for my callous reference to work, possibly a sensitive area for you just now. For years now I've been barely employed, or self-unemployed, and it was one of the few good decisions I ever made. Good luck.  


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