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24 November 2005 at 20:05


After grossing a few people out a couple of weeks ago, I am doing my best again this week to avoid offence, by allowing user choice. Here are 5 versions of the same photo, which I have jollied up using photoshop and picasa. They are arranged in decreasing order of good taste, so you can bale out at any point if you're nervous about scars.

When I was young, I lost my head over a woman.

The medical team did a marvellous job of sewing it back so you can hardly see the join, but it has never worked the same.

HNT Guidelines

If you missed previous HNTs, you can access all the old half naked posts here

Blogger Osbasso said...

If that sucker is real, it's mighty impressive! You missed the HNT guidelines though--all scars must have an accompanying story!  


Blogger Wenchy said...

I enjoyed them regardless of the missing story Osbasso!



Blogger Blondie... said...


You HAVE to tell the story!! WOW! I'm very intriguied!

Happy HNT & Thanksgiving!!  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Rob....that is something! Is it a real scar?
Happy HNT!  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Thanks for the good feedback. But that was the story, well the lighthearted version anyway. Maybe I should do the real story another week, with a more graphic picture of the same event.

This could become a whole sub-genre.  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Lee Ann, yes it's real alright. This is the first time I've shown the picture.  


Blogger Tish said...

Oh my! I hope that's not real!

Happy HNT!! And from now on, stay away from women! hehehe.  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

By the way, you guys in the States must be nocturnal, it's 7 pm here in the UnHeard Of Islands, so that makes it about 3 or 4 a.m. with you. Here's hoping my HNT won't give you nightmares.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats some scar mate. Different from some of your other offerings thats for sure.

Happy HNT  


Blogger Bsoholic said...

Wild scar man!

Happy HNT  


Blogger Shauna said...

That's some scar! Wow.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very likey!  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! The girl's dad must have been really mad. Was that the time your mum got the head posted her in a hatbox and just sewed it back on. Uber alles, eh? I think puttting a zip on it would have helped. Hotboy  


Blogger HS said...

yeah, I need to know now too!  


Blogger Quiet said...

"Chicks dig scars" or so I am told.


Blogger Spinning Girl said...

no, you must tell the real story, you must not leave us hanging thusly.


Blogger Tess said...

Holy crap, that's one scary ass scar. The story, the story, please....

Happy HNT!  


Blogger MamaKBear said...

My God, what a scar! I'm with the rest of ' gotta tell the story!
Happy HNT!  


Blogger Mara said...

Very cool effects.. Happy HNT  


Blogger kimmyk said...


You do have to do a follow up story on this. Amazing scar. Amazing.

I'm glad you're here to tell (you will tell right?) the story. Women can bitches can't we???  


Blogger zomba said...

I say old bean!

Chin up!



Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Actually, this is the most wonderful blog! If I'd been bothered to look at all the blogs in bloggyville, it would still be better ... because I think I have an idea of who you might be anyway. Did you really get your head chopped off just for this half naked thing?
I'm so glad the way it's turned out. It could have been much worse Oh no! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Okay, Adolf! Zeigy! We don't have long to go. Let's spend it together. I have no money. GIve me some (BTW I'm cheap!) and name the island to die on. I've got a musical instrument. I can play it, honest. I have a disease. I hope you don't care. Hotboy. p.s. Okay, the therapy is working. At least for me. \|Thanks a million! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

These are just the best comments. Naturally I have returned the complement at their various blogs. Except for the person purporting to be hotboy.

And thanks for the idea for next Thursday's post.  


Blogger Jaxe said...

Yeeeeeeouch! Ok, Rob, here's the deal...we're going to go find that 'woman' you lost your head over, and we're going to get even... muwahahahah! Happy LATE LATE HNT, friend and give me a yell if you want to take me up on that! ;-)



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