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13 August 2006 at 14:55

plumbing at the institute

Where I work at the McDonald Institute, the basins in the toilets were all installed by the institute director, who runs a plumbing company on the side. All the taps are dodgy - either full blast or nothing. And they're angled so the jet is deflected straight back out over the front of the basin, and all over the floor. Or all over your clothes if you don't know to step aside. A fine example of McDonald Island workmanship (and the McDonald Island business tendering process).

The day I went for the job interview, I went to the gents beforehand. At the interview, they said "Oh I see you've experienced our plumbing" because my breeks were wet all down the front as if I'd peed myself.

Still, I got the job. 11 years later I'm still there and so are the taps. I've learned how to sidestep the spray. What a fortunate creature I am! Some people have much bigger worries.

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Nothing to do with anything, but you can buy adult nappies in China for travelling on the rail network when it's busy! Now there's a thought! Quite put me off rail travel in China! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! How's about pantsaclavas for the discerning Chinese rail passengers? We'll clean up! You do all the work and I'll settle for tenpercent off the top! A moneyspinner! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil again!
I was going to email this to you, but my email at work isn't working. Anyway, I got this from Geocities.
What does it mean? The site only gets about 10 hits a week and most from people who stay zero seconds! I assume hardly anyone downloads anything. What I want to know is have I become secretly famous in the jungles of Borneo or not? Hotboy

We're writing to notify you that your Yahoo! GeoCities free web site was
unavailable to visitors 4 time(s) in the past 90 days because your site exceeded its bandwidth limit.

Bandwidth, or data transfer, is a measure of the amount of information that your web site visitors view and
download. Your free GeoCities web site comes with a healthy 3GB of monthly bandwidth, which is measured each
hour. Whenever you exceed that limit, your site becomes unavailable for up to one hour.  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

"breeks"...Pants? I love the way you guys talk.
I am sorry, but the story did make me giggle.
Glad you got the job in spite of peeing yourself! ;)  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

LA - I did not pee myself. Who says I did?

HB - I know you think I know everything, but there are a few things that even I don't understand. But if there's one thing I do know, it's pantaclavas.  


Blogger keda said...

brilliant. its quite a good ploy actually. sorts the men out from the boys pre-interview. i approve.

hotboy.. i wished the girls still wore night nappies i could steal while we were camping a few months ago.
and as for exceeding bandwidth peculiar. i don't understand either. geocites weirdness. and that zero second thing. absolute hogwash.

that silly thing you guys did to work out your blogs worth confused me. i get a bout 100 hits a day yet am apparently worth a paltry $0.00  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Quality not quantity. ;)  


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