My ethical advisor has suggested I apologise for upsetting anyone, which I do unreservedly.
This blog has received 409 visitors and 670 visits or 'hits.' I hate to point this out, but this means that an overwhelming majority of visitors visit only once. But can anyone explain the marked spike in visitors on Thursday 16th?
The blog item on that day was redeployed or unemployed, which mentions Hospitality For Dummies and Spirituality for Dummies, so if that was the reason, this item should attract another visitor spike since I've just mentioned them again. This is exciting.
The competition to name the new beer is hotting up. While entries are still pouring in, the front-runners so far are:
Blues Healer - marketing colleagues tell me this will be popular with young things at the Club 18-30.
Rough Draught - this should appeal more to thirsty workers at the dolphin cannery, as well as postmodern staff at the McDonald Institute.
I can't send you a bottle over the internet, but you can still experience the essence of the new brew by casting your eye over this artwork from the label.