The manager of two nursery schools in Oxfordshire said:
"This is fairly standard across nurseries. We are following stringent equal opportunities rules. No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else.”
"This is fairly standard across nurseries. We are following stringent equal opportunities rules. No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else.”
Sources acknowledged.
Hotboy said...
Adolf! Heil! Three mice, who've had their vision restored, see how they run! Just like in the old days! Let's have no deviation from the aryan template! All non-tartan sheep to one side, please! Doesn't help much. Hotboy
Hotboy said...
Adolf! Zeig! If you don't get to point out the differences, how can I tell who the flatheids are? (Yes, I know that's everybody else, just about!) No help at all! Hotboy
i still say that's discriminatory, haven't the rainbow sheep been made fun of enough?
keda said...
i apparently dont have OCD. i've just spent 20 minutes scouring the house for a book with fabulous 'yummy mummy' alternatives to all the old favourite nursery rhymes, i was given at christmas. but even with the wonderlets help it just can't be found in the general chaos! so this is the best i could come up with for politically correct versions
'georgie porgie pudding and pie,
kissed the girls and made them cry,
when the the girls began to play,
georgie porgie got banged up for innappropriate behaviour hooray!'
'bye baby bunting,
mummy's gone a hunting,
to get a fabulous fake fur or organic sheepskin,
to wrap the baby bunting in'