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12 September 2006 at 12:39

i said it

Last night I watched The Path To 9/11, the TV drama. Not bad of its kind, and Harvey Keitel is always good. I learned a few things, e.g. the reason Clinton's cruise attack on Bin Laden in the late 1990s missed its target: Pakistani intelligence tipped Bin Laden off.

I also learned that whenever two people say "I love you" over the phone, one of them will be killed. Today I said "I love you" to my partner on the phone. That wasn't wise, when I'm getting on a plane soon.

Meanwhile, the dentist is seeing me again today at 4.45 for a last-minute root-canal job! Hooray! Another $600 spent. My mother would be proud of my deferral to the men in white coats. She won't scratch herself without a doctor's say-so.

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! 600 dollars for the dentist! For that you'd expect the gorgeous assistant to suck the teeth right out of your head! Also, you should look on the positive side of getting blown up in a plane. You're so old you're practically a national monument anyway. How do you know your dentist isn't a terrorist? You could be the bomb! You'll feel daft getting blown up when you've just spend $600 dollars at the dentist. That's no help at all! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

It's called doing one's bit for the economy. But you're probably the first person ever to think of explosive dentures. If it comes to pass, expect the CIA knocking on your blog.  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! You're right. Exploding teeth is a good idea! How about exploding suppositories? There's another obvious one I'm too polite to mention! None of this helps at all! Hotboy  


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