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31 August 2006 at 11:25

HNT self examination

This is a freelance Taoist blog.
Every true story contains a wee lie.
Can you tell what's untrue?

There is no greater delight than to be conscious of sincerity on self-examination

I should have known right from the first day at the conference that my own star billing was jinxed.

On the first morning I had got stuck in traffic, so by the time I arrived flustered at the venue, the conference was already starting and everyone else was already seated in the lecture theatre.

Someone handed me a name-badge, and to avoid missing too much of the first presentation I tried to pin the badge to my chest at the same time as I raced to the toilet for a leak.

Standing at the urinal - hurry! hurry! - I wrestled the badge one-handed to pin it to my shirt, but after a few attempts it still wasn't straight.

So I had a brainwave - hurry! hurry! - waddle over to the mirror, adjust the name-badge, then finish my pee.

Which is why the guy who came in the gents at that moment took one look at me apparently admiring my willy in the mirror, turned and went back out.

If he was one of the conference organisers, that would explain why my own paper was then mysteriously "dropped" from the programme.

The lie is that the photo isn't of me. I found it through Google Images.

If you missed previous HNTs, you can access all the old half baked thursday posts here.

Blogger Hotboy said...

He definitely protesteth too much! I'd have turned and left as well, but some people just aren't into non-conformity. Your cross-dressing chum should sympathise. Which bog does he use when he's out and about? Dearie me! Hotboy  


Blogger lime said...

LOL, true or not it's a hilarious story.



Blogger Unknown said...

okay that made me laugh...HHNT!!! Great story!!  


Blogger Sassy said...

Very funny!
Now can we remove that red square???



Blogger AndyT13 said...

Yep, that's hilarious! HHNT!  


Blogger Suze said...

That was extremely funny. Did you say anything or just stand there quietly embarrassed?

Happy HNT sweetie ;)  


Blogger Leesa said...

Too funny :)


Blogger Lelly said...

A 'wee' lie...was that a deliberate pun?? :) Vey funny Rob, 'weeing' my pants here! (not really...but it IS a great story!)  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! God, I must have had a few last night. I can't remember writing that comment. Maybe dementia's checking in early! That would help! Hotboy  


Blogger Polt said...

Heheheh, one must be careful where one admires one's willy. :)



Blogger Jinsane said...

Great Story!! I needed that smile today!



Blogger keda said...

hahahahaaa. but did you get wee on yr trousers is what i wanna know.

brilliant babe.
happy hnt*  


Blogger Brown eyed girl said...

You are a tricky little devil!
So cute!
Happy HNT!


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Suze - what can one say at a time like that?

Keda - now why would I waste perfectly good moisturiser?  


Blogger zomba said...

I say!

Well, I expect we've all done a bit of self-examination in front of mirrors, in our time.

By the way, have you heard the news?



Blogger MIA said...

thanks for stopping by my blog!

Too funny! laughing!!!!  


Blogger lecram sinun said...

LOL! Love that story! :)  


Blogger S said...

Oh lol that is funny! I hope it wasnt true!  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

MM - thanks for the tip.  


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