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04 July 2005 at 15:28

aesthetic ethics

That's impossible to say unless you're sober.

An ethical issue has come up in conversation, concerning some of the pictures posted on this blog.

Cass: Don't you think it's a bit sleazy to have photos of old girlfriends on your blog?

Me: But I post pictures from all stages of my life, including partners, and it's not as if the photos are risque or anything.

Cass: But you choose the most glamorous-looking photos to display.

Me: It is true that I choose the nicest pictures I can find, but do you think the people involved would prefer that I show them at their worst?

Cass: No, but all you're doing is showing off to other men, female readers wouldn't be interested in the photos.

Me: I admit I haven't shown any pictures of less-attractive partners, maybe I should remedy that.

But of course now that I've reported this conversation here, posting pictures of any woman could be seen as an insult, implying their ugliness is only now being featured so as to deflect accusations of glamouristic discrimination.

Are any ethical readers willing to comment?

Blogger Hotboy said...

As an ethical reader .... why do they pick good looking women to read the news. Why not old boilers with one eye? I think this is because people prefer to look at attractive things. It's just not fair!! Anyway, why can't they all be in nazi uniforms? Isn't there some kind of computery way to do that? Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! It has occurred to me that it's almost impossible to be unattractive to old guys like me if you're under thirty. Just having no wrinkles is a huge plus ... not looking like you're the relative of a dried fruit. I'll find them all nice anyway, so don't hold back! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

I agree, life would be more interesting if people had an inbuilt preference for old gargoyles like myself. But then of course ugly would be the new beautiful by definition, and all the young fit people would bemoan their repulsiveness and pay plastic surgeons to give them wrinkles and hunched backs. As you say, compared with all that palaver, the SS uniform aesthetic is much simpler, and you can understand why it was so popular.

I can send you, in a plain brown envelope, a selection of photos that are just too, well, homely for public display, but in some cases you'll have to photoshop the uniforms yourself.  


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