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22 October 2005 at 23:23

where am I going wrong?

I think I am doing something wrong somewhere. I seem to have got things the wrong way round. My posts are getting shorter than anyone else's, and my comments are getting longer than anyone else's. I was going to say I'm out of balance, but that's something that happens to other people.

Sometimes I do tiny posts about nothing, just a photo or maybe a couple of sentences referring to the wise hermit of Flat Island.

Meanwhile, over at other people's blogs, I'm leaving long heartfelt comments.

I also spend hours doing social work at other blogs, and I'm a volunteer life coach at hotboy's.

Sometimes I've found myself putting 3 or 4 links into a comment, some of them linking to my own stuff. Surely that can't be good blog etiquette? The day I found myself trying to do a comment containing a link to another comment, I knew things were getting out of control. I'm surprised no-one's asked me to leave their blog, like an embarrassing party guest.

Could I really be out of balance, or just on the slippery slope to postmodernism?

Will everything balance up in the end?

Would it help if I got a life?

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Nothing the matter with a bit of imperialism surely. I'd link my comments to my comments and comment on them as well except I don't know how anything works and I'm too blissed out to be bothered. I find this helps. Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! This is all a lot of introspective nonsense. The thing you've got wrong is not making me pots of money. You could do it! At least, you could get the tv companies into the cave docu thing. Also, you told me once that I wasn't reflective. You said I didn't reflect much. For the last twenty years.... !!! Also, lie on the floor and do yoga nidra when you've had a look at a beer commercial . THis according to something Shiva read gets into the stresses laid down by the calvinist toilet training. But the main thing is not to worry about filling people's blogs with comments and sound advice because imperialism is good. This end of the island says that imperialism is good. Hmmm. Hotboy. p.s. Did you ever think of playing poker for a living? Start doing it now on the web. I'm in for a hundred quid. I'll send a penguin round with it. It might be some time. By then you'll be rich. Take my small debt off the money I'm due. pps Start with $500. I'm in for a fifth. Even HOtter boy  


Blogger Heather said...

This is your life, my friend. We are pilgrims sailing to the new world. I figure there is no one "coreect" way to go about things - and therefore no one way to write about them. That's postmodern is it not? I also sense a pendulum swing away from hyper-postmodernism. Most of the blokes that I see spewing postmodern vitriol on campus are the most conservative and modernist of beings...go figure.

And you can serve the greater comment field at a time... Ra Comments! (Oi! I feel sucked into the hotboy vortex!)  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! What does zeig mean? You can't do yoga nidra! This is like class one in hypnotism. You lie on your back with palms up and feet a foot apart. YOu are a corpse. You direct you consciousness towards bits of your body in rotation and tell them to sleep. Do you know this? You breathe deeply. In: Calm. Out: Relax. Then you come up your body and get whiteyness to come out your fontanella and be the white log, sleeping and not sleeping. This is yoga nidra. I can't do it. When you're completely relaxed, you lose the edges of your body and get the space without edges. Biting the carpets isn't the same, Adolf. THis is is yoga for the poorly toilet trained. This is the yoga for you. This requires drinking the Penguin Peculiar at first, but soon you will be free of this terrible addiction, your honour, and then you can start making pots of money instead of ... it's a waste of time if it's not meditating anyway. This one is so long it's bound to help! Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

Heather and HB - nice big comments. That's more like it! Keep that up and I can shrink my posts down to just a heading.

Zeig means show. You're thinking of Sieg, which means victory.

Re the yoga nidra - I am going to close my office door right now, set my alarm for 5 minutes ahead, and get down on the floor. I'll get back to you. If I never post again, assume I've disappeared into the vortex of bliss.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...your dog is gorgeous....i know that's kind of random  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

thanks jon

HB - I'm sending you an email to discuss some of your more pertinent points. I hope this helps.

Heather - yes, I've noticed that too, pomo as fascism. And thanks for the name for my new blog - RaComments! Where every post will be a comment, either about someone else's blog, or (in goosestepping moments) about the post itself! Meditate on that Hotboy!  


Blogger Lee Ann said...

I don't know what to tell you. I don't think you are off balance. I enjoy just about everything you write.  


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