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06 February 2007 at 17:40

what the numbers say

The partner's away for 2 weeks, and the broadband's munged so I have to use the library's internet. The house is a ghost town, just me and the dog. If only I was a meditator.

Congratulations to all our readers who have a birthday this week. Is there actually anybody out there? No? Since I gave up exposing myself, it's just been me and the electrons and the spammers. Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, hotboy has been snaring fit young meditators with his buddhoid patter. What a fortunate creature he is!

I did a course in numerology a couple of years ago, and at the beginning of 2006 I drew up a numerological chart for hotboy.

I have his permission to use some brief excerpts here, to give an idea of what sort of things come out of an analysis of a person's birth date.


First Cycle (first 28 years of your life) - 8 - Your inner world urges you to develop self-control, inner authority.
This fits with his autobiographical novel called Alma Mater, which describes an angry young man and his clashes with authority.

Second cycle (age 28 to 56 approx) - 2 - Your natural talent as a nurturing, accepting person expresses itself.
In the second phase of his life Hotboy has indeed been a hands-on father and ally to his daughter.

Third Cycle (age 56 + ) - 16/7 - The outer world presents you with opportunities to experience spiritual connections; to investigate life and nature; to develop separateness from others; and to encounter the world of knowledge seekers.
The 'third cycle' numbers say that when he is older he should spend more and more time alone in his cave in the UnHeard Of Islands.

8+2+2006 = 18 = 9
1 (initiating)
8 (organising)
9 (compassion,, love, completeness)

Working from these numbers, I forecast that his general direction or mission in 2006 was to set up structures or systems for delivering compassion/love/completeness, e.g. as a preacher or teacher. As it turned out, in 2006 he founded a whole new religion - the Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid. You see? The numbers didn't lie.

Overall, I think the numbers say that hotboy's meditation is the right thing, for him, and that it's going to be even more right in the future. It could be that he's going to be a teacher of bliss.

Blogger Lee Ann said...

Hey Rob! I have looked for you on Gmail lately, just wondering if you would be around.
So, did you stop exposing yourself? I did not know that.
I hope your time alone is good. I have plenty of that kind of time. Sometimes it is great, but sometimes not.
I wish you lived close enough to chat on the phone. I would enjoy that very much.
Have a great week Rob!


Blogger keda said...


very good numbery stuff. go hotboy!

can you do mine if you're bored?  


Blogger keda said...

19 november 1970 :)  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! How interesting and surprising to find this all about moi! Thanks! Makes one think .... do I have to keep the jobbie? That's what I want to know.(Just in from work!) As soon as I get the spondulicks, I'm off to the cave and bugger the teaching flatheids stuff! Oh,ra bliss! Some more of that would help! Hotboy  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! Shame about you being on your own! You could play George Formby's greatest hits to the doggie, I suppose, on your ukulele. Maybe not. Could excite the animal cruelty people. But what about 2007? Any money on the horizon? Hotboy  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

HB - it's actually not a shame, I truly enjoy solo time, at least a lot of the time. I'll see how if I'm still saying that after 2 weeks of it.

keda - I'll get onto it.

lee ann - About HNT. At the start of the year when many bloggers were off the air for whatever reasons, the holidays etc., I ran out of HNT steam. It's not that I had run out of ideas, just that the return on the effort didn't seem worth it. I think you too were a bit low in blogmotivation for a while.

And the amount of dreadful stuff in the news these days can tend to take over one's leisure time. And so perhaps it should!

Anyway, I've fixed the nanbugg feed in my bloglines, so your posts should start popping up again here.  


Blogger ion said...

One of the best explanations of 'human nature' is that we seek meaning in randomness. For instance, how would numerology work with Roman numerals? Could be interesting! Please give the Unheard Of Dog a pet from me.  


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

ion - indeed, I had a similar thought re binary arithmetic, and despite using the method I'm still on the fence.

On the other hand, it is possible to regard absolutely everything as an oracle (see e.g. The Dice Man). Even the flip of a coin, the random arrangement of chicken entrails or tea-leaves. If you're a freelance taoist and see the tao winding its way through everything, it's all feasible. And even a complete sceptic can get good advice from opening the I Ching at random.  


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